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1972 / George McCowan / Amazon Prime / PG


BEWARE: Young Sam Elliot is sure to make your significant other swoon. Read on!

Quick Rundown of Frogs

Pickett Smith is a photographer for a magazine that is in the midst of documenting the influence of the pesticides used by locals. As Pickett makes his way through the swamp taking photos he happens upon the Crockett family (Clint Crockett nearly drunk drives into him with his boat, yeehaw). The Crockett's are celebrating a birthday and the 4th of July in their family estate. The Grandfather, Jason Crockett, is committed to not letting the rambunctious wildlife interfere with their vacation. Despite that, we as the audience witness the frogs lead an uprising against the family and our protagonist. We're treated to plenty of stock footage of frogs, snakes, crocs, and spiders oh my.

frogs film review

The Creative Team Behind Frogs

The director, George McCowan, is known for his TV movies like Run, Simon, Run (1970) and the TV adaptation of War of The Worlds (1989). The film was written by Robert Blees and Robert Hutchison. Hutchison only has a few credits, but Blees kept busy throughout the latter half of the 20th Century. Ray Miland plays the degrading and stubborn Jason Crockett, he's a Paramount Studios staple featuring in films such as Dial M For Murder. And then there's Joan Van Ark, and really what hasn't she done? Joan has voiced characters in video games such as Fallout 4, and she was actually the voice of Spider-Woman aka Jessica Drew in 1989's animated series. Her career is truly impressive. Our protagonist, Pickett, is played by no other than Sam Elliot. Yes, that's right, THE Sam Elliot, minus the mustache. In these films: A Star Is Born, The Big Lebowski, Hulk, and Road House, Sam has made himself a household name.

frogs film review

Jake's Take on Frogs


Frogs is slow, and not particularly interesting. This is not normally something I would turn on to watch, but I'm working on a short story that has a lot in common with this eco-horror flick. If the effects are broth, then the kills are tofu. This film is bland at best. Young Sam Elliot is interesting to watch, purely for his charisma, and watching a grown man fight off imaginary river snakes is entertaining. Ray Miland as Grandfather Crockett has some lines that are delivered with true venom:

"The frogs are thinking now, the snails are planning strategy, they have brains as good as ours -- is that your point?"

There are a few fun quotes from this film, but what holds this film back most are the frogs, which is ironic as hell. We spend so much time looking at frogs and snakes and baby crocodiles, but they're never really doing anything, which is boring. Not to mention that the definition and video quality are lacking. I know their capabilities were limited, but I just can't recommend this film. My favorite part of this film is finding out that most of the frogs that were used in this film ended up back in the Florida wilderness.

Is there an audience for a film about killer frogs?

  • Not likely, frogs aren't scary.

  • If the writing and effects are there, I'm in.


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